O maior guia Para 33 Immortals Gameplay

Combat has a weightiness that rewards patience but might feel sluggish to some—especially Staff of Sloth players—and the tutorial could do a better job of making a strong first impression with a more detailed guide of the game’s core mechanics. 

Face the Wrath of God, and stay bold – for He will end your quest swiftly and often. Expand your epic arsenal with weapons empowered by sins and virtues, loot the spoils of His realms, equip potent new relics to match your playstyle, and gain permanent upgrades to your soul. Inspired by the Divine Comedy

Nous avons eu l’occasion por tester pendant quelques heures cet infernal mfoilange en avance en compagnie do confrères et des dfoiveloppeurs du jeu, et voici donc nos premières impressions à son sujet. Sommaire

In the first part of this game, conquering Hell is an exercise in structure. Your goal is to defeat Lucifer, the “boss” of Inferno, but first you must work with other players to unlock an Ascension Battle just to reach him. How do you do that? Glad you asked: You must complete 12 Torture Chambers, mini raids where you are grouped up with up to six players to battle multiple waves of monsters.

Luckily, allies can join the chamber any time after a fight starts, up to six total, and no one can voluntarily leave until two swarms have been cleared. Each Torture Chamber rewards successful teams with two relic chests containing useful items and bones. One chest is always locked, requiring a key to spill its goods. You can carry up to eight relics at a time, buffing your stats in various ways, and you’re able to reroll chest items for a fairly low price.

This is a large-scale cooperative dungeon diver roguelike, all streamlined for accessibility so that you can enjoy the best parts of a typical raid experience without much of the setup.

Once all of the Torture Chambers are defeated, holy fire spreads across Inferno, pushing players into one of three ascension spots designed for 11 fighters each.

It’s curious to see just how players of different skill levels and experience come together in groups. Even in the most organized parties that have formed non-verbal agreements (using a handy emote wheel) to focus on specific objectives, there’s that one player who is doing their own thing in a corner while hacking away at the wrong thing, and somehow, surviving to the end.

If you combine elements from all that into one game, you will get something like what Thunder Lotus has cooked up with 33 Immortals.

isn’t without its flaws. The movement system feels stiff, with attacks locking you in place and dashes on a very brief, frustrating cooldown. Early on, this makes combat feel clunky and restrictive, and while later upgrades help smooth things out, it still never reaches the fluidity you’d expect from a game that throws you into such chaotic battles.

That also means you can join an open game at any time – there are more than enough enemies around should I just want a quick “pick-up and raid” session to earn some Shards to spend on cosmetics and Perks in The Dark Woods, your home base on this adventure. Having a constant flow of Souls in and out Inferno also fits nicely within the narrative of 33 Immortals

The available content isn’t a small amount, but feels just a little underwhelming when there’s promises being made for more things that are coming in a few months’ time. A small delay could have meant shipping the game with at least the missing options menu items.

That’s all I could gather about the lore before taking my repeated trips to Hell for all that loot and boss-slaying goodness. I suspect many players will be going the same route at launch too, as listening to NPCs and reading pages of lore are probably not what most action game fans want to do when they boot up a hardcore multiplayer experience.

I was given the chance to take a crack at the game a week prior to the early access launch, giving me around six hours with 33 Immortals Gameplay the game split across multiple play sessions.

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